EGL _Assignment1 Mac OS

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Pegl is a binding to EGL 1.4, written in native Python 3 through the ctypes library. It provides comprehensive access to EGL functions, while offering a very Pythonic API. EGL is a specification from the Khronos Group that provides an intermediate layer between other Khronos specifications (OpenGL, OpenGL ES, OpenVG), called 'client APIs', and the native graphics system. . Apple Mac OS X operating system support. Rational Developer for i is now supported on Apple Mac OS X 10.11. This makes it faster and simpler for OS X users to develop IBM i applications. Note: Some functions, such as program verifiers and syntax checkers, are not available on OS X. Case preserving but case insensitive (Windows, most Mac OS): If you create a file as hw1.Rmd it will be shown with this spelling, but you can also access it with the name Hw1.rMd and other case variations. Case sensitive (some Mac OS, Linux): You can have separate files named hw1.Rmd and Hw1.rMd. To make your work as reproducible as possible.

Homework Assignments

Assignment 1 - Force Field Rendering

Due Date: Tuesday, April 15th, 11:59 PM

Assignment 2 - Implicit Surfaces

Due Date: Tuesday, April 22nd, 11:59 PM
Note that this assignment comes with a few extra source files, including a new main application file, that you must drop into the project template. After you copy and open the template project, you will need to replace application.cpp with the one provided, then add ImplicitMesh.cpp/h and MarchingSource.cpp/h to the Visual Studio or Xcode project.

Assignment 3 - Collision Acceleration

Due Date: Tuesday, April 29th, 11:59 PM
This assignment comes with an application.cpp file similar to the previous one, and a PointSet class defined in PointSet.cpp/h. You will need to set up a project containing these source files as you did for Assignment 2. Download the data file archive as well and place the PLY files inside your project directory for your program to read.

Assignment 4 - Dynamics Simulation

Due Date: Thursday, May 8th, 11:59 PM

Egl Assignment 1 Mac Os X

Course Project

Due Dates:
  • Proposal - Tuesday, May 6th, 11:59 PM
  • Milestone - May 20th or May 22nd Lecture Period
  • Demonstration & Showcase - Friday, May 30th, 1:30 PM

Project Abstract Templates:

CHAI3D Library Downloads

Egl Assignment 1 Mac Os 11


To compile and run, follow the instructions provided in the README file.


Mac OS X

We strongly recommend all students update to the latest version of the operating system, Mac OS X Mavericks (10.9). Download and install the newest Xcode from the App Store to compile the CHAI3D library. No drivers are needed!
If, for whatever reason, you need to run an older version of Mac OS X, you may need to download one of these SDKs and replace the DHD library within the CHAI3D package with the appropriate one for your OS version.
[ OS X version 10.8 | OS X version 10.7 | OS X version 10.6 ]

Microsoft Windows

You may use either Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, 2012, or 2013 to build the CHAI3D libraries. If you do not already have a copy of Visual Studio on your computer, you can download Visual Studio Express 2013 for free, or obtain a free copy of the professional edition from Microsoft Dreamspark.
You will also need to download and install the device drivers provided here to run the Novint Falcon. Do not use the drivers provided on the Novint web site! Choose the appropriate version for your operating system.
[ Windows 64-bit | Windows 32-bit ]

Programming Assignment 1: Percolation

Novaforge mac os. Write a program to estimate the value of the percolation thresholdvia Monte Carlo simulation.

Install a Java programming environment.Install a Java programming environment on your computer by followingthese step-by-step instructions for your operating system[Mac OS X·Windows·Linux]. After following these instructions you will have stdlib.jarand algs4.jarin your Java classpath:the former contains libraries for reading data from standard input,writing data to standard output, drawing results to standard draw, generating random numbers,computing statistics, and timing programs;the latter contains all of the algorithms in the textbook.

Percolation.Given a composite systems comprised of randomly distributed insulating and metallicmaterials: what fraction of the materials need to be metallic so that the composite system is an electrical conductor? Given a porous landscape with water on the surface (or oil below),under what conditions will the water be able to drain through to the bottom (or theoil to gush through to the surface)?Scientists have defined an abstract process known as percolationto model such situations.

Egl Assignment 1 Mac Os Catalina

The model.We model a percolation system using an N-by-N grid of sites.Each site is either open or blocked.A full site is an open sitethat can be connected to an open site in the top row via a chain ofneighboring (left, right, up, down) open sites.We say the system percolates if there is a full site in the bottom row.In other words, a system percolates if we fill all open sitesconnected to the top row and that process fills some opensite on the bottom row. (For the insulating/metallic materials example, the open sites correspondto metallic materials, so that a system that percolates has a metallic path from top to bottom, with full sites conducting.For the porous substance example, the open sites correspond to empty space through which water might flow, so that a system that percolates lets water fill open sites, flowing from top to bottom.)

The problem.In a famous scientific problem, researchers are interested in thefollowing question: if sites are independently set to be open withprobability p (and therefore blocked withprobability 1 − p), what is the probability that the system percolates?When p equals 0, the system does not percolate; when p equals 1,the system percolates.The plots below show the site vacancy probability p versus the percolationprobability for 20-by-20 random grid (left) and 100-by-100 random grid (right).

Egl Assignment 1 Mac Os Download

When N is sufficiently large, there is a threshold value p* suchthat when p < p* a random N-by-N grid almost never percolates, and when p > p*,a random N-by-N grid almost always percolates.No mathematical solution for determining the percolation threshold p*has yet been derived.Your task is to write a computer program to estimate p*.

Percolation data type.To model a percolation system, create a data type Percolation with the following API:


By convention, the indices i and jare integers between 0 and N − 1, where (0, 0) is the upper-left site:Throw a java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsExceptionif either i or j is outside this range.The constructor should take time proportional to N2; all methods shouldtake constant time plus a constant number of calls to the union-find methods union(), find(), connected(),and count().

Monte Carlo simulation.To estimate the percolation threshold, consider the following computational experiment:

  • Initialize all sites to be blocked.
  • Repeat the following until the system percolates:
    • Choose a site (row i, column j) uniformly atrandom among all blocked sites.
    • Open the site (row i, column j).
  • The fraction of sites that are opened when the system percolatesprovides an estimate of the percolation threshold.

For example, if sites are opened in a 20-by-20 lattice according to the snapshots below,then our estimate of the percolation threshold is 204/400 = 0.51 because the systempercolates when the 204th site is opened.

50 open sites

100 open sites

150 open sites

204 open sites

By repeating this computation experiment T times and averaging the results,we obtain a more accurate estimate of the percolation threshold.Let xt be the fraction of open sites in computational experiment t.The sample mean μ provides an estimate of the percolation threshold;the sample standard deviation σ measures the sharpness of the threshold.

Assuming T is sufficiently large (say, at least 30), the followingprovides a 95% confidence interval for the percolation threshold:

To perform a series of computational experiments, create a data type PercolationStatswith the following API.

The constructor should throw a java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if either N ≤ 0 orT ≤ 0.

The constructor should take two argumentsN and T, and perform T independentcomputational experiments (discussed above) on an N-by-N grid. Using thisexperimental data, it should calculate the mean, standard deviation, and the 95% confidence interval Unexpected (raisin98) mac os. for the percolation threshold. The array returned by confidenceIntervalshould be of length 2, where confidenceInterval()[0] and [1] are the lower and upper values of the confidence interval, respectively.Use standard random from stdlib.jar to generate random numbers;use standard statistics from stdlib.jar to compute the sample mean and standard deviation.

Analysis of running time and memory usage.

  • Implement the Percolation data type using the quick-find algorithm QuickFindUF.javafrom algs4.jar.Use the stopwatch data type from stdlib.jar to measure the total running time of PercolationStats.How does doubling N affect the total running time?How does doubling T affect the total running time?Give a formula (using tilde notation) of the total runningtime on your computer (in seconds) as a single function of bothN and T.
  • Now, implement the Percolation data type using the weighted quick-unionalgorithmWeightedQuickUnionUF.javafrom algs4.jar.Answer the same questions as in the previous bullet.
  • Using the 64-bit memory-cost model from lecture and Section 1.4,give the total memory usage in bytes (using tilde notation) that an N-by-Npercolation system uses.Count all memory that is used, including memory for the union-find data structure.

Deliverables.Submit only (using the weighted quick-union algorithm as implemented in the WeightedQuickUnionUF class)and will supply stdlib.jar and WeightedQuickUnionUF.Your submission may not call any library functions other than those in java.lang, stdlib.jar, and WeightedQuickUnionUF.Also, submit a readme.txt file andanswer all questions. You will need to read the COS 226 Collaboration Policyin order to answer the related questions in your readme file.

This assignment was developed by Bob Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne.
Copyright © 2008.

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